It's Time to Get Gym Confident

A 12 week transformation program empowering women over 30 to go from sedentary and overwhelmed to gym confident and consistent using a holistic, beginner approach to strength training.




And you know that in order to become the strong, confident woman you’re meant to be, you need to know where to start and how to make it a part of your already busy and exhausting lifestyle. But there’s a problem...


You're not currently feeling the most confident in your body and your abilities to make such a big commitment.


If you're like most gym anxious women over 30, you're still struggling to figure out where to start and how to actually stick to it without self-sabotaging.


Let's face it...trying to guilt yourself into finally getting started isn’t doing you any favours.


At this point, you may be thinking, "There's got to be a better way."


A way to feel more positive about your fitness journey so that you can FEEL the benefits and actually *want* to keep going.


A way that combines beginner workouts with behavior change strategies so you can fit it into your current lifestyle and be able to adapt instead of beating yourself up when things don’t go according to plan.


A way to feel confident and know what you’re doing when you step into the gym so it’s not such a scary place. 


A way for you to feel safe in your movements so you know if you’re doing your exercises correctly without worrying about injuring yourself.


A way for you to learn the basics of gym equipment, how to set it up and what exercises to do.


Good news...


There IS a better way to gym confidence AND consistency.





Imagine what it’ll feel like when:


You’re confident in your ability to show up for yourself.


You feel energized, less achy, and just generally awesome not only physically, but mentally and emotionally.


Working out is a regular part of your routine and you’ve learned to use your setbacks as opportunities to learn and adapt, rather than taking them as a sign of failure.


You’ve shifted your mindset around what working out means to you so that you can FEEL the benefits and celebrate your wins no matter how small, instead of shaming or self-sabotaging.


You realize you don’t have to spend hours in the gym or stop eating the foods you love, in order to make progress.


You have a supportive community of women who are rooting for you, to celebrate your wins, and work through challenges with.




Sedentary, feeling exhausted, achy, uncertain in your movements...


Strong and confident in your body, energized, less stressed, less aches and pains, having better sleep and being generally happier.



Feeling like it’s impossible, having to go all in, feeling like you have to give up your time and the foods you love...


Taking things day by day, enjoying the process, making small changes that add up over time, recognizing and celebrating what you’re gaining, realizing you’re not actually losing anything.



Feeling intimidated by the gym, not having a clue when it comes to form, what exercises to do and how to use, let alone set up equipment...


Being able to walk into the gym for the first time and follow a program, feeling confident in your form, being able to recognize and set up equipment and knowing when to up your weights.

Hey there, I’m Adelade.


I help women over 30 overcome gym anxiety and start strength training using a holistic, beginner approach so they can learn how to walk into a gym confidently and consistently on their own.

As a Personal Trainer, my clients have relied on me to stay accountable to show up to workouts, track their progress and keep them motivated.

I LOVE my job and for a while, I thought being a personal trainer meant having clients rely on you to get their workouts in but overtime, I started to notice a trend. When clients needed to take a break, no matter how many home workouts I would give them or if they said they would stay consistent…they usually didn’t. They needed to physically see me in order to stay accountable, which isn't the most sustainable approach.

Women need tools to help them stay accountable to themselves.

Since becoming a Certified Behavior Change Specialist, my focus has shifted. I now want to help as many women start strength training by teaching them HOW to become the woman who’s able to show up for herself confidently and consistently in the gym. No quick fixes! Just real, long-term changes to help change the way you think about exercise so that you can reap all of the physical and mental health benefits. It will become something you actually WANT to do. The Strength Starts Here program takes you on a true transformation journey from being sedentary and overwhelmed to having all the tools you need in order to be able to walk into the gym with confidence and consistency. It will take time and practice but you’ll never have to look back at self-sabotage or fear of failure.

 Meet Katharine. Katharine is a Physician in Montreal who found it very challenging to stay consistent with her workouts. Katharine's hours are sporadic, sometimes working on call for 24-48 hour shifts. Her mindset about working out was very weight oriented and she developed a negative relationship with exercise and healthy habits in general because in her mind, she kept "failing." As you can imagine, Katharine found it very difficult to have a routine, was constantly exhausted, and spoke negatively to herself when she wasn't able to stick to something. Kath already had gym experience and a program to follow so we focussed on Behaviour Coaching and building consistency. We started by implementing the A-E strategy (which we'll practice in the SSH program) to curb negative self-talk. We were able to shift the focus away from the scale; to make her workouts about building strength, taking time for herself, and even fun. She started asking friends to join her in classes as a form of socializing. Shifting the focus from the scale actually allowed her to stay consistent which can ultimately lead to weight loss. Apart from workouts, we were able to find time for meal prep which Kath had never done before. Kath is very detailed oriented and visual so we decided to create a form of habit tracking where she could colour in days of movement: different colours for different things. Instead of getting down on herself when she didn't make it to the gym, she was able to look back on how many coloured days she had which were way more than ever before! She learned to adjust the plan and accept that her workouts were not always going to be 110%; if she was too tired after a 24 hour shift she would workout for less time or do something lower impact. As a result, Katharine has finally developed a healthy relationship with exercise, has stayed more consistent than ever, and her workouts have become something she WANTS to do, not something she HAS to do strictly to lose weight.



Strength Starts Here

The ultimate transformation program designed exclusively for women over 30 who are ready to overcome their fears of getting started and finally begin there fitness journey using a holistic approach. 

Strength Starts Here seamlessly blends beginner strength training insights with transformative behaviour change coaching. This program empowers you to conquer gym anxiety and embrace confident, consistent workouts.

Meet Abby. Abby loves hiking and mountain biking but after having kids she started to develop chronic pain in her back and hips and was feeling generally weak and unstable in her body. She knew it was time to start strength training but felt intimidated about starting on her own and was worried about making the pain worse. We started with of functional movement patterns and focussed on building core strength (Module 2 of SSH) which helped ease a lot of her pain. She's now able to perform assisted pull-ups, push-ups, squats and deadlifts and has noticed significant changes not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.


Check Out What's Inside:


Drip access to modules starting with a welcome package, and Module 1. Throughout the course of 12 weeks you'll get:


Weekly or bi-weekly video lessons guiding you through the Strength Starts Here Framework so that you can work through exercises and practice your form at a pace that's comfortable for you, without the overwhelm.


Your own SSH workbook to walk you through every step of the process, help you retain program knowledge, track of your habits, track your progress, celebrate your wins and most importantly, to keep and refer back to for life.


12 weekly live coaching calls for Q&A, and support as you overcome gym anxiety and work towards becoming a stronger, happier, more confident version of yourself.


A private online community full of like-minded women to get feedback, answers, guidance, and support during the program and beyond.

Meet Heather. Heather has been a dentist for over 25 years and struggled with chronic neck pain due to sitting for long periods with her head tilted to one side. She was diagnosed with neck arthritis which we were able to work around, modifying any movements involving overhead reaching. Over the course of 8 months, Heather built significant strength, improved movement patterns, reduced neck and back pain, and developed higher self-esteem.


Cash-flow friendly


for 6 months

  • vs. $249.50/mo after Beta-Launch
  • Lifetime access to all 6 modules, video tutorials, workbook activities, SSH private community
  • SSH workbook to retain knowledge and refer back to
  • 12 weeks of workout programming
  • 1:1 Behaviour Coaching
  • 1:1 Form Coaching
  • Weekly live calls
  • 24/7 private online community of supportive, like-minded women
  • $1050 in free bonuses including 1:1 coaching

Pay in full + save $200

$497 CAD

one-time investment

  • vs. $1297 after Beta-Launch
  • Lifetime access to all 6 modules, video tutorials, workbook activities, SSH private community
  • SSH workbook to retain knowledge and refer back to
  • 12 weeks of workout programming
  • 1:1 Behaviour Coaching
  • 1:1 Form Coaching
  • Weekly live calls
  • 24/7 private online community of supportive, like-minded women
  • $1050 in free bonuses including 1:1 coaching

Questions? I have answers!



($800 BONUS)

No more guessing what to do in your workouts. 

Not knowing what exercises to do should never be the reason you stop going to the gym. 

Which is why I’m granting you exclusive, one year access to 12 weeks of workout programming in My PT Hub with unlimited Personal Training Support. Start with 2 weeks of bodyweight workouts to do at home to practice your functional exercises, followed by 2 weeks of dumbbell workouts and an 8 weeks of gym programming.


($100 BONUS)

Does something feel off? Unsure of your form? Need a modification? Book this session anytime after module 2 begins, whenever you find it will be most helpful . You'll also have a separate feed in the online community to ask questions about form and exercises.


($150 BONUS)

Newsflash: Progress isn't linear!

Part of making long-term behaviour changes involves having setbacks or behavioural "relapses". This is totally normal and all part of the process. Use your behaviour coaching session for support when obstacles arise. Together, we'll come up with a plan to help you learn from your experiences, and keep moving forward in a way that works for your current situation, without self-sabotaging.

The Strength Starts Here Guarantee

I'm passionate about helping you start your fitness journey in a way that feels right FOR YOU. That means having the right tools and knowledge to allow you to walk into the gym comfortably on your own, with the desire to get stronger, build confidence and take care of YOU.

Take the time to work through the videos and tutorials, fill out your workbook, and get your questions answered during the coaching calls or in the online community chat. Apply everything you've learned and if after that, you don't feel like you can walk into the gym, I'll refund you in full. Simply contact me directly with photos and videos of all of your work (you will have to video yourself for your own personal reference to correct your form in module 2) and refund request.

You're ready to join Strength Starts Here if...


  • You're a woman over 30 who is ready to start taking action towards a healthier life in a way that works for YOU, without the overwhelm. 


  • You're committed to changing your life with sustainable habits and aren't looking for another "quick fix" workout challenge or fad diet. 


  • You're ready to finally have a consistent fitness routine without fear of failure.


  • You're not interested in another workout program you'll never stick to and are ready to focus on the behaviors that will get you going to the gym in the first place.


  • You are motivated to make positive changes to feel strong and confident in your body and mind so that. you can live the lifestyle you want. 


  • You're ready to take the next step and trust the process Strength Starts Here using a holistic, beginner approach to take you from feeling anxious and overwhelmed to gym confident and consistent. 


  • You're ready to finally get the support you need to not only learn the basics of strength training and proper form, but also to stay accountable, be consistent, set your boundaries, and work through challenges. 


  • You're done with starting and stopping or never starting in the first place only to guilt and shame yourself. You deserve better and are committed to FEELING better! 


Cash-flow friendly

$116 CAD

for 6 months

  • vs. $249.50/mo after Beta-Launch
  • Lifetime access to content
  • 12 weeks of workout programming
  • 1:1 Behaviour Coaching
  • 1:1 Form Coaching
  • Weekly live calls
  • 24/7 private online community of supportive, like-minded women

Pay in full + save $200!

$497 CAD

one-time investment

  • vs. $1297 after Beta-launch
  • Lifetime access to content
  • 12 weeks of workout programming
  • 1:1 Behaviour Coaching
  • 1:1 Form Coaching
  • Weekly live calls
  • 24/7 private online community of supportive, like-minded women